
我的员工在工作中受伤了. 我需要做什么?  If your employee was injured at work, or thinks they may have been, you must complete the 首次受伤报告表格 24小时内. 请务必提供尽可能详细的信息.

我的员工因工伤而失业. 他们想重返工作岗位. 我需要采取什么步骤?  If your employee has been out of work due to a work-related injury and wants to return to work, they must provide a medical note clearing them to return to work FULL DUTY WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS. This note must be provided to the Department of 人力资源 prior to their return.

如果你的员工已经被允许在限制下返回工作岗位, 请立即与人力资源部联系. An injured employee may not return to work without proper authorization.

我的员工请假了,我该怎么办?  If the employee has been out of work for three consecutive scheduled work days, 那么他们可能有资格获得FMLA休假. You should notify the Department of 人力资源 immediately so that, 雇员是否符合条件, 他们的FMLA权利可以提供给他们.

My employee is returning to work after a leave of absence, what do I do?  If your employee has been out of work due to an approved leave of absence and is ready to return to work, 请在他们回来之前通知人力资源部, so that we can ensure that the appropriate authorization paperwork has been received.

我的员工要求带薪休假,我需要做些什么吗?  如果你的员工请病假或休假, please have them submit a request through ADP if they have not already done so. You must approve the request in ADP before the payroll due date to ensure that they are paid and that their sick and/or vacation balance will be charged accordingly. 如果你的员工申请丧亲假, 陪审义务或军假, 请与人力资源部联系. Please remember to ensure their earnings for the period are coded correctly in ADP.

What are the steps I need to take if an employee is leaving the University?  在面谈交换中,必须立即填写一份表格.  经理应该 also obtain a letter of resignation from the employee and upload it to the form.  Select 终止/分离形式 for instructions on how to complete the separation form in Interview Exchange.


我想修改现有的职位描述. 我如何在面试交换中做到这一点?  A requisition for New/Revised Job Description must be created in Interview Exchange. Job descriptions may be revised through the “Forms” module in Interview Exchange. 更详细的信息可以在 “要求一份新的或修改过的工作描述” or by clicking here.

我想设立一个新职位. 我如何在面试交换中做到这一点?  对于新职位, a requisition for New/Revised Job Description must be created in Interview Exchange. Job descriptions may be revised through the “Forms” module in Interview Exchange. 更详细的信息可以在 “要求一份新的或修改过的工作描述” or by clicking here.

I am in the process of completing a requisition for posting and hiring a candidate, 然而, I would like to make significant changes to an existing job description on Interview Exchange. 我怎么做呢?  如果你想改变现有的工作描述, a requisition for New/Revised Job Description must be created in Interview Exchange. Changes to a job description may be made through the “Forms” module in Interview Exchange. 更详细的信息可以在 “要求一份新的或修改过的工作描述” or by clicking here.


Is there a guide that will help me with Recruiting and Hiring candidates?  是的! 的 招聘及聘用指引 将有助于:

  • 计划你的人员需求
  • 完成申请流程
  • 筛选最合格的申请人
  • 准备面试问题
  • 面试候选人
  • 选择和通知
  • 加入新员工


的 requisition for a New/Revised job description I submitted has been completed and approved. 接下来我该做什么?  一旦申请完成并获得批准, a requisition for Posting and Hiring must be completed in Interview Exchange. 请参考 "如何申请张贴及聘用申请表."

如何创建一个新职位?  A requisition for Posting and Hire must be created in Interview Exchange after you have completed a requisition for a New/Revised position and it has bee approved.  的 requisition would be created through the "Forms" module in Interview Exchange. 更详细的信息可以在  "如何申请张贴及聘用申请表."

我想填补一个空缺职位. 我怎么做呢?  For a replacement position, create a requisition for Posting and Hiring in Interview Exchange. 这是在“Forms”模块中完成的. 请参阅“"如何申请张贴及聘用申请表."


潜在的候选人已经开始申请这个空缺的职位. 我想给每个候选人设定一个性格代码. 我怎么做呢?  一旦候选人开始申请一个空缺职位, 候选人必须有一个处理代码应用到他们的应用程序. This ensures that RWU stays in compliance with our Affirmative Action Plan. Disposition codes are added in Interview Exchange through the “Applicant Tracking System” module. 更详细的信息可以在 如何添加/编辑处置代码."


我们的团队很高兴迎来一位新员工. 我想确保新员工具备成功所需的一切条件. 我应该做些什么来确保顺利入职?  Investing in our employees is important to us, and it starts with onboarding. Our Onboarding 指南 ensure a seamless process for both managers and new employees. 请参阅以下的入职指南:

What are the steps I need to take to report changes in an employee's personnel file?

经理应该 complete a Personnel Action Form (PAF) immediately in Interview Exchange each time there is an action that should be recorded in the employee’s personnel file or that requires payroll action.



  • 员工状态
    • 额外的位置
    • 位置扩展
    • 休假
    • 部门或总账(GL)变更
    • 更换主管
    • 薪酬变动率
