Career & Technical Education Teacher Certification Program (CTE)

University College is offering an innovative one-year, RIDE-accredited CTE teacher certification program.

CTE Students


The CTE Teacher Certification program is a competency-based, 非学分项目,准备候选人通过罗德岛教育部获得CTE教师资格认证. Competency-based education is powerful, and it is integrated, connected, applied, reflected upon, and contextualized. The RWU program is designed with working adults in mind. Assignments and teacher coaching sessions are practical, job-embedded, rigorous, and closely connected to classroom learning. Micro-courses are held each month, both in person at the Providence campus and virtually, with additional learning experiences, resources, and assignments available at all times.


The program engages teachers over twelve months, from July to May. 

Next Cohort Begins:

July 8, 2024.

The Program Includes:

  • One-week online Pre-summer Intensive learning experience.
  • 为期两周的暑期强化课程,包括与青少年一起工作的实习经历.
  • 每月一个周六在普罗维登斯校区举行“微课程”,每月一个晚上在网上举行. 有全天候的在线学习体验和作业.
  • 每月与教师教练进行单独或小组的虚拟会议.
  • Additional required learning experiences and assignments online.
  • Candidates will engage in a range of practicum experiences, in addition to their own classroom setting.
  • 所有内容都符合罗德岛州专业教学标准(RIPTS)和国家职业技术教育与教学委员会标准. Candidates must meet or exceed all 22 associated competencies.
  • 候选人还必须表现出阅读科学和结构化素养的意识.
  • 持续的支持,由专门的教师教练,课程讲师和项目主任.


一年的学费:$6,800 -包括除课本以外的所有费用.

Admission Requirements:

In order to be eligible for admission, candidates must:

  1. 持有有效高中毕业证书或同等学历.
  2. Hold the appropriate license, certification, 或与其行业相适应的学位(根据RIDE CTE教师认证要求).
  3. Submit an essay (200-300 words and 12 pt. 字体)证明你对CTE的承诺,以及一个强化的、基于能力的项目.
  4. 提交两封推荐信,说明你对该领域的承诺,并期望在自学课程中取得成功.
  5. 提供大专成绩单(可以接受非官方成绩单).
  6. 对于那些没有临时或紧急驾驶证书的考生, 必须提供文件,以确定候选人将在CTE领域教学的适当的有效工作经验(5年),并包括任何获得的行业认证-所需表格在RIDE网站上)。.

Ready to start the process today? Applications are being accepted now!

We are available to answer any questions that you may have today. You can reach Lynne Bedard at 或致电401-254-3191开始流程或回答您的问题.


CTE Credential Review Pathway

你是否已经开始参加CTE教师认证课程,或者你是否已经获得了RIDE教师证书, 还要有获得CTE教师证书所需的工作经验? 如果是这样,你可能有资格申请RWU现在提供的证书审查途径!

对于那些已经开始参加CTE教师认证课程的候选人,罗杰威廉姆斯的证书审查途径为他们提供了认证的选择. 证书审查途径涉及到一个申请过程,其中包括通过对证书的彻底审查来评估候选人的准备情况. Evidence that can be submitted for review includes: official transcripts of courses- credits will be accepted for courses from a regionally accredited school with a “C” or above and/or a “Pass” within a Pass/Fail system; ratings from supervised field experiences; videos of instruction that illustrate competency in the RIPTS standards; professional development plans; letters of Recommendation from Supervisors; videos of instruction in the standards; evaluations from school/district supervisors; sample lesson plans/unit plans/curriculum documents; pedagogical and/or content exams; Student Learning Objectives (SLOs); sample data-driven instruction documents; professional development plans/activities. In the CTE content area, 证据可以包括执照/证书/国家评估, courses and training in CTE content area.

The evidence will be reviewed, 然后,候选人将根据必须满足的剩余能力完成一个个性化的学习计划. 当候选人达到或超过所有能力时,罗杰威廉姆斯大学确认准备好认证.

Credential Review Application


Complete and submit the 强制性证书审查路径网赌的十大网站/退出评估文件, along with the $200 application fee:

CTE Credential Review Application

We are available to answer any questions that you may have. You can reach Lynne Bedard at 或致电(401)254-3191开始申请流程或获得您的问题的答案.